2000 Chevrolet Blazer - Anti-Lock Brake (ABS) Parts

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Anti-Lock Brake (ABS) Parts

The Anti-Lock Braking (ABS) system is designed to prevent skidding by preventing the wheels from locking up during a hard braking situation or when driving on slick roads. The ABS system is an electrical system that controls the brake hydraulics when it senses the wheels are locking up or that one or more wheels are losing traction. Most of the ABS system is electronic, so diagnostic tools may be needed when diagnosing any ABS issues.

ABS System Basics

The electronics in the ABS system measure the speed of the wheels using a wheel speed sensor and an ABS ring that may be part of the brake rotor or wheel hub. Other electrical ABS system parts measure pressure in the brake system and tell the ABS modulator when to activate. ABS harness connectors ensure the proper signal gets from the wheels to the ABS module, the ABS modulator, and the ABS pump and motor. This allows all parts of the system to communicate with one another and the brakes to be strategically pulsed to reduce the risk of skidding or sliding in slippery conditions.

Shop for ABS Parts

The ABS system is an integral part of the brake system on your vehicle. You can find the ABS components you need to repair the ABS system on your vehicle at O'Reilly Auto Parts, including wheel speed sensors, ABS modulators, and more. We also carry the hand tools and diagnostic tools you may need to complete your repair.