2020 Harley Davidson FLHRXS Road King Special - Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensors (TPMS)
Tire Pressuring Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensors, Parts, and Tools
The tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) on your vehicle utilizes sensors in each wheel that detects and transmits tire pressure readings to a central TPMS unit. This unit is designed to alert the driver to low or high tire pressures via a heads-up display, the instrument cluster, or simply using a warning light. In some cases, a TPMS warning light may not indicate a pressure issue, but rather a problem with the system itself. For that reason, it is often best to check individual tire pressures to verify that the TPMS sensors are working as they should and not sending inaccurate signals. If you need to replace a TPMS sensor, shop O'Reilly Auto Parts' selection of TPMS parts and tools to make your repair simple and keep your car driving safely.
TPMS Sensors and Control Units
TPMS sensors include a pop-in, crimp-in, or screw-together valve stem to add pressure to the tire, as well as the sensor unit and a battery used to wirelessly transmit signals to the TPMS control unit. Any time the tires are rotated or a TPMS sensor is replaced, a special TPMS programming tool must be used to assign the sensor to the unit in the appropriate location on the vehicle. This allows your display to accurately communicate which tire requires attention. In some cases, TPMS sensors can be rebuilt using a TPMS service kit, but if they are damaged or have failed completely, it may be necessary to replace them. Universal TPMS sensors are available that operate in the correct electrical transmission band for your vehicle, and most tire shops are able to install and sync new TPMS sensors to your vehicle to restore this system's performance.
TPMS Tools and Repair
Though TPMS sensors are designed to be simple to service and operate, it will still be necessary to remove the tire from your wheel to replace them. This means it's often best to make an appointment with a trusted tire shop to replace your TPMS sensors and reprogram them to ensure that they sync with the vehicle and operate at its best. If you are equipped to service your own TPMS sensors, or if you'd like to perform these repairs yourself, O'Reilly Auto Parts also carries TPMS reprogramming tools, valve stem and TPMS service tools, TPMS sensor service and rebuild kits, and a variety of replacement TPMS sensors to help you complete your TPMS system repairs. You can also learn more about your TPMS system and what to do when your TPMS light is on by checking out our How-To Hub for all the TPMS and tire resources you need.