2000 Chevrolet Blazer - Harnesses, Pigtails & Sockets

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Wiring Harnesses, Pigtails, and Bulb Sockets

Your vehicle's electrical system is made up of a variety of connectors, harnesses, and sockets that conduct electrical signals to operate everything from your engine and transmission to your radio, lighting, and power windows and locks. Wiring harnesses can be damaged by heat, friction, and age, and may eventually require replacement. Even if a complete wiring harness isn't available for your vehicle or the particular circuit that has been damaged, O'Reilly Auto Parts carries the electrical connectors, pigtails, and bulb sockets you need to restore your electrical system to safe working order.

Replacing Wiring Connectors

Though it doesn't happen to every connector on your vehicle, some of the wiring connectors in the electrical system are subject to more abuse and can wear out over time. Whether they experience high heat, grease contamination, or simply become brittle over their life, replacing an electrical connector is a simple procedure that can help restore your wiring harness and save money. Pigtail connectors are simply a terminal connector with a length of wire that allows you to remove the damaged connector and splice a new connector into the circuit using butt connectors. This can often be all that is needed to restore your electrical system to full function.

Bulb Socket Replacement

Similar to pigtail connectors, bulb sockets are available for a variety of vehicles with a length of wire to allow them to be spliced into the wiring harness to provide a clean, tight connection for replacement bulbs. Bulb sockets can become corroded or otherwise damaged over time, and this can prevent the bulb from fully seating or making proper contact. If the bulb is not receiving power or if the ground in the bulb socket has failed, the light will fail to illuminate. In many cases, simply replacing a damaged bulb socket is enough to get your lights working as they should. Some bulb sockets may also be designed with contacts that do not require wiring, and often simply twist into the lighting assembly to receive the power they need to illuminate the bulb. Whether you have a damaged wired or wireless bulb socket, or if you need to replace a worn wiring connector with a pigtail, shop O'Reilly Auto Parts to find the right electrical system connectors to keep your lighting and accessories working as they should.