2002 Ski-Doo Summit 800 R X - Spark Plug Thread Repair Kit

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How to Repair Spark Plug Threads

Spark plugs are designed with threads, and can come in a variety of different thread sizes and are application-specific to fit the threads found in the engine's cylinder heads. The threaded portion of the spark plug is screwed into the cylinder head, and must match not only the thread size, but also the thread pitch. Thread pitch is measured as the distance between each thread in millimeters, and mismatched spark plug and cylinder head thread pitch, cross-threading, and more can cause thread damage if the spark plug is forced during installation. Over time, the spark plug threads in the cylinder head can be damaged and no longer allow the spark plug to be securely installed. Spark plug thread repair kits are a repair solution to prevent complete cylinder head replacement when the spark plug threads on your vehicle's cylinder head have been stripped or damaged. There are a number of factors that can cause this damage to occur, including over tightening or cross-threading a spark plug, or in some cases, known manufacturer defects. Using a spark plug thread repair kit could save you from having to replace the cylinder head or taking the cylinder head to a machine shop for repair. O'Reilly Auto Parts offers a selection of spark plug thread repair kits for your vehicle, which include the necessary thread inserts and tools to make this repair yourself. We also carry replacement spark plugs for your vehicle to help you make a complete repair. For more information on how to replace spark plugs, or how to choose the right spark plugs for your vehicle, visit our How-To-Hub. If you're not comfortable making this repair yourself, you can also learn more about O'Reilly Machine Shops in your area, or find a trusted repair shop in your area.