Vacuum Caps & Connectors

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Vacuum Elbows, Tees, and Fittings

The vacuum system on your vehicle uses engine vacuum to operate a variety of accessories on the vehicle, including emissions system valves, heating and A/C system components, and more. Vacuum hoses are routed to maintain and provide vacuum to these systems using vacuum couplings, elbows, adapters, and tees, and vacuum service or system alteration may require more fittings for appropriate routing. Vacuum valves may also be necessary to appropriately control the flow of vacuum throughout the system at appropriate times to activate accessories, servos, and more. If you're ready to service or replace parts of your vacuum system, find the vacuum hoses, couplers, adapters, tee fittings, and valves you need to make your repair at O'Reilly Auto Parts.

Vacuum Caps to Prevent Leaks

If the vacuum system in your vehicle is leaking, it can cause performance issues due to an overabundance of air in the fuel mixture. This can lead to high or rough idle, a drop in RPMs, stalling, and other symptoms depending on the severity of the leak. One way to prevent vacuum leaks is to use the appropriate size of vacuum cap to temporarily or permanently hold vacuum at a fitting. These caps simply slide over the vacuum outlet and are designed to maintain vacuum without leaks. Shop O'Reilly Auto Parts to find the vacuum caps and other accessories required for your next maintenance or repair project.