2017 Honda Civic - Plenum Gasket Set

2017 Honda Civic

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Honda Civic Plenum Gasket Set

The intake plenum on your Honda Civic is the chamber that can be found between the throttle body and the intake manifold, and the plenum gaskets seal the plenum against these two parts. The plenum allows air to move to each cylinder in the engine after it has passed by the MAF sensor and gone through the air filter. When the plenum gaskets fail, it allows unfiltered or dirty air to enter the engine. Unfiltered air can include dirt and debris that can block the valves or cause damage to the engine, such as corroding or scoring the cylinders. Since the air leaking past the plenum gaskets also bypasses the MAF sensor, your Civic may have too much air and the computer will cause it to run lean. If your Honda Civic has a rough idle, poor acceleration, or if it is stalling, the plenum gaskets may have failed. O'Reilly Auto Parts carries plenum gaskets for your Honda Civic to keep your car running right.