2007 Jeep Wrangler - Idle Air Control Valve

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Jeep Wrangler Idle Air Control Valve

The IAC, or idle air control valve, on fuel injected vehicles like your Jeep Wrangler is the part that controls the idle speed when you take your foot off the gas pedal. The idle speed is calculated by the temperature of the engine and is controlled by the computer to ensure the engine continues to idle as it warms up. If your Jeep has a rough idle, if the idle is so low that the engine stalls, or if the idle is very high, the IAC valve could have failed. Idle air control valves can stick in the open or closed position and result in too much or too little air entering the engine, causing poor performance. If you've experienced these symptoms, inspect the IAC valve and make the needed repairs. O'Reilly Auto Parts carries idle air control valves for your Jeep Wrangler, as well as air filters, mass air flow sensors, and throttle body repair kits so you can keep your Jeep on the road.