2000 Chevrolet Blazer - Air Cleaners And Cold Air Intakes

2000 Chevrolet Blazer

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Ford Mustang Cold Air Intake Kits

A cold air intake kit for your Ford Mustang allows you to move the air filter further from the intake or throttle body, forcing the air to become colder and denser as it has to travel a longer distance. When the air is denser and colder, it contains more oxygen, which can not only provide added horsepower, but can also improve your Mustang's gas mileage. Installing a cold air intake on your Mustang is a simple upgrade that can boost your car's performance and efficiency, and kits custom-built to fit your car may be available for an even easier installation. Be sure that adding a cold air kit will not void your Mustang's warranty before installing or modifying your car. O'Reilly Auto Parts carries cold air intake kits for your Ford Mustang, as well as universal kits that can be modified to fit your car perfectly.