2008 Nissan Frontier - Carburetors & Parts

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Carburetors & Parts

Older vehicles may use a carburetor or carburetors to deliver the air and fuel mixture to the engine. In carbureted fuel systems, the fuel is pulled through the jets into the incoming air flow by the vacuum from the engine. The carburetor can be adjusted to ensure the correct amount of fuel is pulled into the air-fuel mixture to allow the engine to run at optimal performance. Maintaining the proper operation of a carburetor is a must to keep the engine in your older vehicle operating at its best.

Repair or Rebuild Your Carburetor

Over time, regular operation and impurities in fuel can cause dirt or buildup in different areas of a carburetor and cause the system to provide the wrong air-fuel mixture. This may make your engine run poorly, but the problem may be most noticeable under acceleration. When this occurs, it is often possible to rebuild your carburetor using a carburetor kit, or to replace only the failing components to restore it to operation. While we also offer complete carburetors, it may be more affordable to repair or rebuild your carburetor. You may also be able to fix the issue by using a carburetor cleaner or fuel system cleaner to break up the blockages and restore its performance.

Shop Carburetors and More

If your carburetor is not working properly, you can find a new carburetor, a carburetor rebuild kit, or carburetor parts, such as jets, floats, springs, choke parts, and more for a complete repair at O'Reilly Auto Parts. We also carry carburetor cleaner, fuel system cleaner, and fuel treatment to maintain an efficient fuel system, and the carburetor gaskets , air filters , and tools you may need for successful carburetor maintenance.