2008 Ford Taurus X - Transmission Modulator

2008 Ford Taurus X

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An AT (automatic transmission) modulator uses hydraulic pressure to engage and inhibit certain gears to regulate and modify engine load and pressure. The modulator monitors an engine's performance and applies the appropriate pressure to accommodate an engine's load and actuate the transmission appropriately. When a vehicle accelerates, the transmission modulator activates the throttle valve to apply pressure to the shift valve, which then supplies hydraulic pressure to engage the specified gears. If you notice early or late shifting, hard shifts that cause your vehicle to jerk, a rough idle, or low transmission fluid levels, it's a good idea to check your transmission modulator for signs of damage or failure. These symptoms could also point to low transmission fluid levels or transmission damage, so a complete diagnosis may be necessary to determine if the modulator is the source of the problem. O'Reilly Auto Parts carries a broad selection of automatic and manual transmission parts, including transmission solenoids, modulators, gaskets, transmission fluid, and more to help you complete your repair.