2000 Chevrolet Blazer - Transmission Pinion Bearing

2000 Chevrolet Blazer

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Your transmission sends power to your differential through the driveshaft. Your driveshaft is located on the underbelly of your vehicle. It has one end attached to your automatic transmission and the other end attached to the pinion of the differential. When the pinion spins, it turns the ring gear that powers the axles. These components allow the pinion gear to spin smoothly. Low fluid levels can damage the ring and pinion gears inside the axle as well as the bearing and race. Any damage caused to your pinion bearing may lead to a whirring noise when accelerating or slowing down. Check your differential, driveshaft, or axle if you notice any unusual noises. O'Reilly Auto Parts has automatic pinion bearings for most vehicles. We also have U-joints, races, and other differential parts for your vehicle. Check out our selection and find the right parts for your repair.