2000 Chevrolet Blazer - Differential Crush Sleeve

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2007 Jeep Wrangler

1 - 5 of 5 results for Differential Crush Sleeve

Power Torque GM 7.5, 7.6 Crush Sleeve - 741A034

Part #:
$2.29 Each
Availability Controls for Power Torque GM 7.5, 7.6 Crush Sleeve
Differential Crush Sleeve   Rear; GM 7.5/7.6 Inch; Late
Inside Diameter (mm):   31.75mm
Outside Diameter (mm):   38.1mm
Overall Length (mm):   16mm

Power Torque GM 7.25 Crush Sleeve - 741B034

Part #:
$6.99 Each
Availability Controls for Power Torque GM 7.25 Crush Sleeve
Differential Crush Sleeve   Front; GM 7.25 Inch; Independent Front Suspension (IFS)
Inside Diameter (mm):   31.75mm
Outside Diameter (mm):   38.1mm
Overall Length (mm):   41.4mm

Power Torque GM8.5, 8.6 Crush Sleeve - 742G034

Part #:
$1.99 Each
Availability Controls for Power Torque GM8.5, 8.6 Crush Sleeve
Differential Crush Sleeve   Rear; GM 8.5/8.6 Inch; Late
Inside Diameter (mm):   35.56mm
Outside Diameter (mm):   40.64mm
Overall Length (in):   0.630 Inch

Dorman HELP! Pinion Crush Sleeve - 81057

Part #:
$5.29 per Card
Availability Controls for Dorman HELP! Pinion Crush Sleeve
Differential Crush Sleeve   Rear; 8.5 Or 8.75 Inch Ring Gear
OE Part/Casting Number:   1234726

Dorman HELP! Pinion Crush Sleeve - 81058

Part #:
$6.49 per Card
Availability Controls for Dorman HELP! Pinion Crush Sleeve
Differential Crush Sleeve   Rear; 7.5 Or 7.625 Inch Ring Gear
OE Part/Casting Number:   9785792

What is a Differential Crush Sleeve?

A differential crush sleeve, also known as a pinion crush sleeve, is a component in a vehicle's differential assembly that is used to maintain proper tension and pre-load on the pinion bearings when the pinion gear nut is tightened. Appropriate pre-load on the pinion gear nut is important to the performance and longevity of the differential, as it helps to keep the gears properly engaged with one another and operating smoothly. If this nut is over-tightened during reassembly, it could result in the crush sleeve breaking down and failing prematurely. There may be an issue with your differential crush sleeve if there is a whining sound that gets louder when you accelerate your vehicle. Differential crush sleeves are typically replaced whenever the differential assembly is disassembled and reassembled. Reusing a crush sleeve is generally not recommended as it deforms by design during the initial installation. If your differential needs to be repaired or rebuilt, replacing the crush sleeve is also advised. For your next differential repair, shop O'Reilly Auto Parts, where we carry replacement crush sleeves, ring and pinion sets, and differential assemblies for most vehicles.