2016 Ford Focus - Timing Cover

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Repairing a Timing Cover Leak

The engine timing cover, also known as the timing chain cover or timing belt cover, is a protective housing that encloses the timing system components and protects them from debris that could disrupt the engine timing and damage the timing components. Vehicles may have a timing belt cover made of metal or plastic, or a timing chain cover made of metal, depending on the engine configuration. Some timing covers also hold oil if the timing chain needs to be lubricated, and may also have gaskets or seals to prevent oil leaks from the timing system. Over time, timing covers can crack or corrode, which may lead to an oil leak. They can also experience cracking and warping from over-tightened bolts, or may be damaged by loose timing parts. If you notice any timing belt or timing chain failure symptoms, like high revs, misfires, startup issues, engine noise, or excessive exhaust, or if you notice oil leaking around the timing cover, check the timing cover for any damage and replace it if needed. If your vehicle requires a timing system component replacement, shop O'Reilly Auto Parts for replacement timing covers, belts, chains, tensioners, and more to complete your repair.