2007 Jeep Wrangler - Timing Chain Tensioner

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Jeep Wrangler Timing Chain Tensioner

The timing chain tensioner on your Jeep Wrangler provides the proper hydraulic pressure or spring tension to the timing chain, which helps keep your engine correctly timed and prevents your timing chain from slipping on the timing gears. When a tensioner fails, you may notice your Wrangler making rattling engine noises. It may also cause slack in the timing chain, which can lead to low engine power, engine shaking or backfiring, hard starts, or rough idle. These may be signs of a worn timing chain, or the tensioner may simply be failing to provide adequate tension, but in either case it is usually best to replace both the chain and tensioner during your repair. When servicing the timing chain or tensioner on your Jeep Wrangler, O'Reilly Auto Parts has replacement timing chain tensioners and timing chain sets for a complete repair.