2003 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 - Timing Belt Tensioner
Symptoms of a bad timing belt tensioner
The timing belt tensioner applies the correct amount of tension to a vehicle's timing belt so the engine can maintain appropriate combustion timing. Timing belt tensioners are usually spring-loaded to allow them to adjust as the timing belt stretches over time so that tension isn't lost, and are designed to be replaced at the same time the timing belt is serviced. When a timing belt tensioner wears out or begins to fail, it may no longer apply adequate tension to the timing belt, and can allow the timing belt to become loose or slip. This can lead to engine sluggishness, erratic RPMs, or in extreme cases, a timing belt that slips off the timing sprockets or breaks. Some early signs of a failing timing belt or timing belt tensioner include squealing or squeaking noises when starting the vehicle or shifting gears, reduced power or fuel efficiency, engine noise, misfires or backfires, and more. When servicing or replacing the timing belt, it's also recommended that you replace other timing system parts, including idler pulleys, timing belt tensioners, and the water pump if applicable. For the right timing system parts, shop O'Reilly Auto Parts, where we carry replacement timing belt tensioners, timing belts, water pumps, and complete timing component kits for your next timing belt repair.