2011 Mazda MX-5 Miata - Crankshaft Repair Sleeve

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What is a Crankshaft Repair Sleeve?

The engine's crankshaft is used to convert the vertical movement of the pistons into rotational movement, which generates the power that is sent through the transmission to the wheels. Crankshafts are sealed at the front and rear of the transmission using seals that surround the surface of the crankshaft. Over time, seals can harden or become brittle, and this may lead to a groove being worn in the crankshaft's sealing surface. If you notice a leak at the front of your crankshaft, it may mean that the sealing surface is no longer smooth enough to form a seal. If the end of the crankshaft is not smooth, it will also quickly wear out a new seal. A crankshaft repair sleeve can restore the sealing surface of the crankshaft by fitting tightly around its snout, helping you to prevent having to replace the crankshaft. The crankshaft repair sleeve is used to cover the area of the crankshaft where the end seal rides on the crank. A crankshaft repair sleeve is press-fit and can be removed or replaced if additional wear occurs. Crankshaft repair sleeve options are available in multiple sizes to fit snugly on the end of the crank and contact the front crankshaft seal safely. If you need a crankshaft repair sleeve, check out the selection at O'Reilly Auto Parts. We also carry new crankshaft and rear main seals, and the tools you need to complete the repair.