2015 Yamaha FB1800A WaveRunner FX Cruiser HO - Cylinder Head Bolt

2000 Chevrolet Blazer

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Broken Cylinder Head Bolt Symptoms

Your vehicle's cylinder head bolts are high-strength bolts that secure the cylinder head to the engine block. Designed to withstand the high pressures and temperatures of the combustion chamber, cylinder head bolts are critical to engine performance since they ensure that the cylinder head is properly sealed to the engine block. Cylinder head bolts often come in a set, which is typically the quantity needed to secure one cylinder head to the block. Individual cylinder head bolts may also be available to replace only bolts that are in unusable condition. Cylinder head bolts must be torqued to specification in a specific pattern that can be found in your vehicle's owners manual to ensure cylinder head stability and a lasting repair. With the exception of torque-to-yield cylinder head bolts - which are designed to deform when torqued and must be replaced once removed - most cylinder head bolts are reusable when reassembling your engine. If you notice that your cylinder head bolt threads are damaged or stripped, you should replace these bolts to ensure that the bolts can be securely torqued to specification. A loose or damaged cylinder head bolt can make it easier for coolant and engine cylinder pressure to escape, leading to performance issues and coolant or oil loss. Signs of a bad or failing cylinder head bolt include engine misfires due to uneven compression pressure levels, decreased fuel economy, tapping or knocking sounds coming from the engine, coolant leaks, and lessened vehicle performance - all of which can also create an illuminated Check Engine light In some cases, this may also allow the cylinder head to warp or the head gasket to blow, and you might see white smoke from the exhaust or see coolant in the oil. Most cylinder head bolts come with pre-applied sealing tape to help you perform a faster, more efficient engine repair. Shop O'Reilly Auto Parts to find the engine hardware you may need to make a complete repair, including cylinder heads and bolts, antifreeze, head gaskets, and specialized tools to help you get the job done right the first time.