2020 Honda TRX420FM2 FourTrax Rancher 4x4 with EPS - PCV Valve Tubing

2001 Subaru Outback

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What is PCV Valve Tubing?

The positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valve tubing helps direct gasses and oil vapors fro the crankcase into the engine's intake system, where they are burned to reduce emissions. The PCV valve system controls the recirculation of these crankcase gasses by transferring evaporated oil and other vapor buildup from the engine block to the intake manifold when pressures inside the crankcase . PCV valve tubing connects the PCV valve to the PCV system at the valve nipple, preventing vaporized oil from leaking and entering the atmosphere or building up on the engine or underside of the hood. Other parts of the PCV system include the PCV screen, filter, and grommet. If you notice an exhaust smell or black exhaust smoke, engine oil leaks, or engine surges, check the PCV valve to make sure the valve is not stuck open or closed. If it is in working order, check the valve tubing for any damage, clogs, or other issues. You can also learn more about how to test and replace a PCV valve with the resources in our How-To Hub. For your next PCV system repair, shop O'Reilly Auto Parts, where we carry replacement PCV valve tubing, PCV valves, and related emissions system parts for most vehicles.