2009 Honda Accord - Axle Shaft Seal

2011 Mazda MX-5 Miata

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Honda Accord Axle Shaft Seal

The axle shaft seal on your Honda Accord is found in the axle housing and allows the axle to remain lubricated by preventing gear oil loss while the axle shaft spins. With age, the axle shaft seal can wear or dry out and allow leaks to occur. If you see gear oil leaking behind the brakes or if you can see gear oil leaking onto the ground near the end of the axle housing, the axle shaft seal may have failed. It is often best to replace the axle shaft seal and axle bearing, as well as inspecting the axle shaft, at the same time to ensure a lasting repair. O'Reilly Auto Parts carries axle shaft seals, bearings, and more for your Honda Accord, so you can make a full repair and keep your car driving like new.