2008 Nissan Frontier - Steering Stabilizer and Dampers

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DIY Steering Stabilizer Repair

More commonly found on SUVs, trucks, and off-road vehicles, a steering stabilizer helps minimize the side-to-side motion of the wheels when driving on rough roads for a smoother ride. Steering stabilizers function similarly to the way shock absorbers work, and help to dampen and cushion the impact of bumps or rough terrain while protecting front suspension components. Since bigger vehicles likely have a wider tire surface area, steering stabilizers are used to dampen movement or shock that may occur to the tires while driving. A hydraulic shock absorber is built into the stabilizer and helps absorb vibrations before they reach the steering column, preventing the driver from feeling as much movement in the steering wheel. The steering stabilizer and the stabilizer seal can fail over time or with extended use, and this may cause loose or wobbly steering, a clunking sound from under the vehicle, or shaking at high speeds. If the seal on the stabilizer has failed, you may also see hydraulic fluid leaking from the stabilizer. Driving with a failing or damaged steering stabilizer is a safety hazard, and this part should be replaced immediately to ensure stable handling and appropriate control. You can learn more about what vehicle projects can't wait with our helpful article. After replacing a steering stabilizer, your car should be aligned for optimal tire wear and to extend the life of your tires and other suspension components. Improve your vehicle's handling and reduce the chance for an accident with a replacement steering stabilizer from O'Reilly Auto Parts, where we also stock the tie rods, ball joints, and suspension bushings you may need for a complete steering system repair.