1999 Chevrolet Lumina - Brake Hardware

1999 Chevrolet Lumina

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Brake Hardware

It can be easy to forget about brake hardware while performing brake maintenance or repair. Reusing old hardware can cause brake noise and accelerate brake wear, so ensure that the brake hardware is replaced and properly reassembled as you install your new brakes. Replacing old or worn hardware with new brake parts any time you service your vehicle's brakes can ensure long brake life and quiet stops.

Don't Forget Brake Hardware

Brake hardware makes all the major components of the brake system work together. Parts such as brake springs help pull brake shoes away from the brake drums so the wheels spin freely, and brake bleeder screws help remove air from the brake lines and prevent brake pedal fade. Other bolts, brackets, and backing plates help ensure all brake parts are held securely in place and help prevent rocks and other debris from entering the brake system. Make sure to inspect or replace the brake hardware when you perform brake maintenance or repair work.

Find the Hardware You Need

Many of the brake pads sets available at O'Reilly Auto Parts come with replacement hardware needed when servicing your brakes, but be certain that you have the appropriate replacement hardware before you start your next brake service. You can find brake bleeder screws, brake backing plates, dust covers, brake cables, and other hardware needed for your job. We also carry the tools, brake fluid, and brake grease needed for a complete repair.