Help your engine run better and last longer with Sea Foam products. Sea Foam was born with a focus on safe and effective products that help keep all types of gas and diesel engines running their best. Trusted by mechanics since 1942, Sea Foam represents a rich tradition of vehicle and outdoor enthusiasts, DIY equipment owners, and a variety of people who love or depend on engines.

Shop Sea Foam Sprays, Additives & Treatments

Sea Foam Motor Treatment

Sea Foam Motor Treatment

Sea Foam Motor Treatment works in fuel and oil systems to clean and lubricate critical engine areas, aiding in smoother engine performance and increased longevity. Made from petroleum ingredients, Sea Foam fuel additive is safe and effective when used in any gasoline or diesel engine. Designed for an easy-pour application, keep your engine performing as it should with Sea Foam.
sea Foam High Mileage

Sea Foam Fuel and Oil Treatments

For more than 80 years, people from mechanics to everyday engine owners have been recommending Sea Foam for preventing or overcoming common engine problems. Sea Foam fuel additives clean and lubricate critical engine areas to help your engine run better and last longer.
Sea Foam Intake Cleaner and Lube Spray

Intake Cleaner and Lube Spray

Use Sea Foam Top Engine Cleaner and Lube Spray to safely clean and lubricate critical upper-engine components where fuel cleaners can't reach. Unlike tank additives, Sea Foam Spray works through a gas engine's upper air intake to dissolve harmful deposits and residue buildup from intake runners, intake valves, and combustion chamber areas, helping your engine run cleaner and last longer.
Sea Foam Deep Creep

Penetrating Oil and Lubricant

Deep Creep is a premium-grade shop lubricant and penetrant that works harder and lasts longer. Deep Creep from Sea Foam quickly cuts through rust and buildup to loosen, lubricate, and protect automotive parts and mechanisms. Made from powerful petroleum ingredients, yet uniquely gentle on polymers and resins, Sea Foam Deep Creep is designed to withstand extreme heat and evaporation for optimal performance.
Sea Foam Trans Tune

Transmission, Power Steering, and Hydraulic Additive

Every petroleum fluid system is prone gum, varnish, and moisture, which can cause erratic or rough transmission and power steering performance. Trans Tune works fast to dissolve harmful deposits and control the moisture that impairs fluid systems for responsive, healthy systems. Sea Foam Trans Tune is safe and effective when used in most types of automatic transmissions, hydraulics, or power steering fluid systems to help you get the job done right.
Sea Foam Bugs Gone

Bug Remover and Car Wash Pre-Soak

Bugs B Gone quickly removes dried-on bugs and stubborn debris from your vehicle, without extra scrubbing or toxic chemicals. The water-activated formula is safe on all surfaces and won't leave a film or haze, so you can perform a confident and complete job. Sea Foam Bugs B Gone functions as a spot cleaner on your vehicle or a car wash pre-soak — just spray, let it soak for a minute or two, and wipe or spray away with water to reveal a cleaner vehicle exterior.
Shop All Seafoam

Shop All Sea Foam

For more than 80 years, both professional mechanics and DIY enthusiasts have trusted Sea Foam to prevent or overcome common engine problems. Sea Foam fuel additives clean and lubricate critical engine areas to help your engine run better and last longer. Whether you’re trying to resolve engine hesitation, power loss, a rough idle, or decreased fuel economy, Sea Foam products are trusted to provide the results you’re looking for.

How To Clean A Fuel Injection Gasoline Intake With Sea Foam Spray

Learn how to clean a fuel-injected intake with Sea Foam SS14 Intake Cleaner and Lube for optimal engine performance. Watch how to use Sea Foam Spray with O'Reilly Auto Parts, so you can make a complete repair to restore your engine’s performance.
Whether you’re looking for Sea Foam Engine Additive, Bugs B Gone, or Sea Foam Deep Creep, O’Reilly Auto Parts stocks the fluids, treatment chemicals, and components you need for a complete repair or maintenance task. Discover small engine treatment, injector cleaner, fuel system cleaner and treatment, and much more from Sea Foam to maintain or restore your vehicle’s shine or system performance.