O'Reilly Auto Parts carries spark plugs and plug wire sets, ignition coils and distributors for your vehicle. Find A Store Near You

What Ignition Parts Do I Need?

A vehicle’s ignition system ignites the fuel-air mixture in the engine’s combustion chamber to power the vehicle. An ignition system consists of the ignition coil, spark plugs, spark plug wires or coil boots, and other onboard modules . The ignition system creates a high-voltage spark from the battery on startup, which is sent to each spark plug to ignite the air-fuel mixture, forcing the piston down and creating engine power. With the number of components that make up the ignition system, it is important to understand your engine’s ignition needs to identify and solve ignition issues, as well as performing maintenance and tune-ups. Signs of a failing ignition system include engine misfiring, slow acceleration, low fuel efficiency, rough idling, stalling, backfiring, and in some cases, an engine that won’t start at all.

Ignition Brands

O’Reilly Auto Parts supplies a variety of ignition parts and components for a wide range of vehicles, including cars, trucks, SUVs, and more. For spark plugs and glow plugs, ignition coils, spark plug wire sets, distributor points and condensers, and more, turn to our selection of ignition brands that you know and trust. For distributors, distributor caps, and ignition coils, choose options OmiSpark or Spectra Premium. ACDelco, Motorcraft, and Ultima Select supply ignition coils, spark plugs and glow plugs, as well as wire sets. If you need distributor caps and rotors, or ignition coils and condensers, turn to MasterPro for OE-quality ignition components. To keep your vehicle running reliably, choose the right brand of ignition parts from O’Reilly.

Ignition System Repair Tools & Accessories

Additional tools and accessories may help you when inspecting and performing maintenance on your vehicle’s ignition system. Coil boots and spark plug wires should be replaced when you replace your spark plugs as part of a regular tune-up. Dielectric grease is commonly used to protect and lubricate electrical connections and spark plug boots. If you are installing new spark plugs, a feeler gauge or spark plug gap tool can help you ensure they are set to specification. For any of your electrical testing needs, a multimeter is an important tool to diagnose problems in your ignition system. View our selection of tools, gauges, grease, and more to make your maintenance efficient and worthwhile.
Maintaining a vehicle’s ignition system is vital to an automobile’s health, performance, and engine lifespan. Knowing your vehicle, it’s needs, and symptoms of part failure will help you test, diagnose, and replace ignition components. Ignition systems vary between engines, as gasoline engines use spark for combustion while diesel engines combust due to compression of the air-fuel mixture, eliminating the need for a spark. Glow plugs are needed in diesel engines to help heat up the combustion chamber to help start the vehicle more easily. The ignition system has many parts and components, and knowing what type of engine and ignition system you have can help you schedule or perform inspections. For electronic ignition systems, you should tune-up the ignition system every 25,000 miles, while vehicles without a distributor should be inspected every 100,000 miles. Although exclusive to older vehicles, conventional breaker point ignition engines should be tuned up every 5,000 to 10,000 miles. Still wondering “Which spark plugs should I choose?” View our informative video to find your answer easily.