A vehicle’s owners manual is an informational and instructional guide that contains details specific to your vehicle. Owners manuals can come in a few different forms, depending on the dealership or manufacturer your vehicle is purchased from. They are often in the form of a written handbook, and contain a table of contents and index to help you easily locate answers to any question you may have about your vehicle. Owners manuals include information on vehicle maintenance and upkeep, troubleshooting advice for a number of electrical and mechanical systems, technology features and system operation instructions and details, and general repair tips. All of the information in your owner's manual is designed to not only give you the best experience with your vehicle, but also to ensure your safety, as well as the safety of passengers and others on the road, while operating the vehicle. Reading through your owners manual after purchasing your vehicle is a great way to help you understand your vehicle thoroughly and operate it as safely as possible. When you have questions about your vehicle, consult your owners manual for answers. Your owners manual will often give you the most accurate answers to any question you may have because it was written by the vehicle's manufacturer.
When you purchase a new vehicle from a dealership, or from a previous owner, you should be provided with an owners manual. Owners manuals are informational booklets designed to act as a resource for car owners to learn how to operate and drive their new vehicle and find answers to any questions they may have about its features and systems. Owners manuals also provide you with information about your vehicle's maintenance needs, troubleshooting tactics, warranty details, and a variety of tips and tricks to help you become the best car owner you can be.
What is a Vehicle Owners Manual?
Your owners manual will include information pertaining to a variety of vehicle areas for you to use as a resource during its life. Below are some of the most common and important areas where your owners manual can be used to help you best understand your vehicle.
How to Get an Owners Manual
You should be provided with an owners manual any time you purchase a new vehicle, and all dealerships provide specific manuals for each vehicle they sell. However, if you are buying a used vehicle from a dealership or a third party, or if your owners manual is damaged or missing, there are a few resources you can use to find the right owners manual for your car. To purchase the correct owners manual, you will either need to know your vehicle’s make, model, and year, or know your vehicle’s VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). These numbers are different for every vehicle, and can be used to identify your vehicle specifically. If you’re not sure where the VIN is located, check out our article on finding your vehicle’s VIN. Once you have this information, visit your manufacturer's website and enter your vehicle’s details into the search engine to find the correct owners manual for your vehicle. Entering your VIN into the search engine will show you the most accurate results. Most automotive brands offer free downloadable owners manuals for vehicles manufactured in the last ten years. You can also find new and used owners manuals for your vehicle through other online retailers or even auction sites.
After you download or purchase your owners manual, it is recommended that you keep a physical copy in a safe place in your vehicle to prevent misplacing the booklet and to ensure it’s available to you if something happens while driving. Your vehicle’s glovebox, center console, trunk, or other compartments are great safe and accessible spots to store your printed owners manual. Some vehicles have specific, smaller compartments designed for storing your owners manual. These compartments can sometimes be easily missed if you’re not looking for them, so be sure to check your vehicle thoroughly to ensure that the owners manual isn’t still in one of these areas. Checking to see if your vehicle has an owners manual compartment over, under, or near your glovebox or center console is also recommended when choosing where to store your manual. It is also a good idea to keep a digital copy of your owners manual on a laptop or phone, just in case the physical copy is ever damaged or misplaced. Always store your manual somewhere safe and easy to access, because it is one of the most reliable resources you will ever have while you own your vehicle.