Gasoila 8 Ounce Anti-Seize - CG08
- Part #
- CG08
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Product Details
Product Specifications
Detailed Product Description
GASOlLA(R) Thred Gard Copper Anti Seize is a premium anti-seize compound composed of pure copper ake and large ake graphite in a heat resistant carrier forti ed with rust and corrosion inhibitors to resist seizing, galling and patina. It is also water resistant.
GASOlLA(R) Thred Gard Copper Anti Seize provides a shield against metalto- metal contact, preventing seizure and corrosion. It lls irregularities and imperfections and resists cold welding, hardening, or setting. GASOlLA(R) Thred Gard Copper Anti Seize provides low friction and cushions impact and shock loads. Low shear between particles reduces stick-slip, allowing quick disassembly with minimum wrench torque. It will not squeeze out of the threads, gum up, or wash off. Remains on threads after assembly.
- Brush on nuts, bolts, screws, bushings, cam rollers, shafts, sleeves, couplings, conveyers, motors, pumps, turbines, valves, etc.
- Speeds assembly, facilitates disassembly.
- Industry applications include steel mills, forges, foundries, die casters, refining and chemical installations, marine services, farm and construction equipment, power and utility plants, paper and pulp mills and general plant maintenance.
- Non-hardening, non-dripping.
- Exceeds MIL Spec MIL-A-907D.
- Safe for temperatures up to 1,800 Degree F/982 Degree C.
Applications for Your: 1994 Geo Metro
Brand Information
From industrial thread sealants like Gasoila Hard and Soft Set and PLS 2 to rust eating penetrants and lubricants like Free All and Lube-It All, you'll find the hardest working products in the industry here.