FPPF 16 Ounce Bio Diesel Additive - 01300
- Part #
- 01300
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Product Details
Product Specifications
Bio-Diesel Water Dispersant
Container Type:
Container Size:
16 Ounce
Removes Water:
Unit of Measure:
Cetane Boost Included:
Fuel Stabilizer:
Winter Formula:
Treatment Volume:
250 Gallon
Detailed Product Description
Bio Diesel Additive; 16 Ounce; Water is the number one problem in Biofuels. Biodiesel Fuel Power is specially formulated for use in all Biodiesel fuels and Biodiesel/Diesel Fuel Blends including B5, B20 and B100. This product eliminates water from fuel to help prevent sludge formation and cleans injectors year 'round. Biodiesel Fuel Power is truly Fuel Power for Biofuels
Biodiesel Fuel Power:
Biodiesel Fuel Power:
- Totally disperses water
- Works in all Biodiesel and Biediesel/Diesel Fuel Blends
- Stabilizes fuel
- Reduces gum and varnish
- Prevents sludge
- Improves fuel economy
- Combustion catalyst
Applications for Your: 1994 Geo Metro
This product is universal and/or has no specific fitment assigned to a vehicle.
Brand Information
FPPF Chemical Company Inc., is a leading U.S. manufacturer of fuel additives, treatments and conditioners, and was founded in 1975 by Mr. Chris Lory, a Buffalo, New York entrepreneur.
FPPF was created to fulfill the strong market demand for improved diesel fuel treatments. In the 1970's, declining fuel quality and increasing fuel costs were serious concerns for the trucking industry. FPPF scientists set upon the task of developing a completely different, more effective diesel additive and thus created Fuel Power, today's leading year-round diesel fuel treatment.
Manufacturer Provided Documents
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