Detailed Description
Motor Oil; SAE 5W-30; Full Synthetic; A3/B4; API SL, ACEA; 1 Quart; Castrol EDGE Euro 5W-30 A3/B4 is an advanced full synthetic motor oil engineered to exceed manufacturer test limits ensuring the highest level of protection and maximum performance for European cars. European car manufacturers create unique motor oil specifications to ensure the lubricant can withstand the intense pressure, heat and friction generated in a high output engine. To ensure compliance, rigorous engine tests are developed, with approval granted only when the oil achieves the minimum values required in each test. Castrol EDGE Euro Car fluids are formulated to exceed these requirements and deliver maximum protection and performance.
1.2X Better viscosity control to help engines run better for longer
2X Better engine cleanliness to help maximize engine performance
As measured in DV6 test vs. test limit
As measured in OM646LA test vs. test limit
Approved and licensed specifications:
BMW Longlife-01
MB-Approval 229.5
VW 502 00 / 505 00