CarDAQ-Plus3 Kits; Includes the CarDAQ-Plus 3 Bluetooth Kit and the Standard DrewLinQ Kit.
- The CarDAQ-Plus3 Bluetooth provides the connection from your computer with the OEM J2534 application to the vehicle. This enables vehicle coverage for OEM-level engine, transmission and body control module programming, security/immobilizer adaptation, OEM-level diagnostics, and more.
- The device is software upgradable to stay up to date with the latest vehicle protocols.
- CarDAQ Bluetooth functionality better enables the technician to not be tied down to the vehicle and can situate themselves for ease of use, and a climate-controlled environment.
- CarDAQ is the most OEM validated and compatible device which helps get the most out of OEM applications.
- Also included free with the device is access to our technical support team, and educational training software called Toolbox3.
- The Standard DrewLinQ Kit supports PC-based heavy-duty, medium-duty, and some OBDII vehicle applications, including off-highway, agricultural, military, automotive, and other industrial-stationary equipment.
- This device utilizes 4 concurrent CAN (J1939/ISO15765) channels, J1708, J1587 and all OBDII protocols, which enables the most compatibility with the OEM's programming and diagnostic applications.