Coupons & Promotions FAQs
Online Promotions
If you have a Promo Code from one of our online offers, you’ll be able to apply your discount to qualifying online purchases when you check out.
- At the bottom of the CART SUMMARY in the shopping cart, locate and click on "Have a promo code?"
- Enter your code in the box that appears and click APPLY
- You will receive a message telling you whether your code was accepted or rejected
Promo Code Not Working?
If the Promo Code you’ve entered isn’t working, make sure the code you’re using meets all the requirements of the offer. For example, a Free Shipping offer may not be available for a Next Day delivery. Dollar off discounts are based on the total before tax, shipping and discount.
Online offers do not apply to gift card orders and cannot be used in combination with any other certificates, offers, or discounts or for payment on account. Online offers are not valid on previous purchases or store purchases. Shipping fees and taxes do not qualify towards the minimum purchase. Valid for retail customers only.
In-Store Coupons
Low Price Guarantee
Because actual pricing and sales tax costs vary from location to location, O’Reilly also does not guarantee the actual pricing for products sold at any of our stores. Your final total for purchases that you make online, or at any of our retail locations, may not reflect the same dollar amount that you would pay at another one of our stores.